Levy County |
Code of Ordinances |
Article XIII. ZONING |
SubDivision 2. Requirements for Specific Uses |
§ 50-717. Concentrated commercial farming.
The following provisions apply to farming or animal operations, such as, but not limited to, dairies, feed lots, pig parlors and chicken farms, at animal densities greater than as contained in the definition of concentrated commercial farming in section 50-1, or which otherwise meet the definition of concentrated commercial farming in section 50-1:
A site plan shall be submitted as provided in section 50-775.
Provisions shall be made for animal waste disposal, such that no odor, dust, flies or runoff shall impact upon adjacent properties. The waste disposal system shall be approved by the state department of environmental protection.
All operations shall be located outside known floodprone areas, and at an elevation such that local ponding does not occur within the area being farmed.
Within an unnumbered A-zone, a flood hazard study by a licensed engineer shall be conducted to verify that no flood hazards exist.
The board of county commissioners will require that all feeding areas, all pens, all waste holding, treatment and disposal areas, all unpaved vehicular access roads, all chemical storage facilities, and all silage and all feed or product storage structures will be located at least 1,320 feet from any residential structure on adjoining properties and from any residential zone other than A/RR and F/RR. Greater distances or other special conditions may be set at the discretion of the board of county commissioners, depending upon the type, intensity, or location of the proposed use and its relationship to adjacent land uses, both existing and proposed.
(1991 LDR ch. 79, § 6.01(G)(7); Ord. No. 05-01, § 10, 5-17-2005; Ord. No. 2007-03, § 22, 7-17-2007; Ord. No. 2018-004 , § 5, 3-20-2018)