SubDivision 2. Requirements for Specific Uses

§ 50-710. Generally.
§ 50-711. Airports.
§ 50-712. Reserved.
§ 50-713. Communication and broadcasting towers.
§ 50-714. Cemeteries.
§ 50-715. Electric generating facilities.
§ 50-716. Commercial boat landings, sport fisheries and marinas.
§ 50-717. Concentrated commercial farming.
§ 50-718. Dog kennels.
§ 50-719. Mining and excavation of minerals, resources, or natural resources, and site reclamation.
§ 50-720. Flea market.
§ 50-721. Furniture manufacturing.
§ 50-722. Gas stations.
§ 50-723. Reserved.
§ 50-724. Halfway homes and rehabilitation centers.
§ 50-725. Hospitals.
§ 50-726. Institutions (other than group homes and foster care facilities).
§ 50-727. Junkyards.
§ 50-728. Large scale multifamily developments (over three acres).
§ 50-729. Manufacturing.
§ 50-730. Mobile home parks.
§ 50-731. Mobile home subdivision.
§ 50-732. On-premises consumption of alcohol.
§ 50-733. Automobile paint and body shops.
§ 50-734. Permanent sawmills.
§ 50-735. Permanent woodchippers.
§ 50-736. Prisons and jails.
§ 50-737. Rehabilitation centers.
§ 50-738. Reptile farms, zoos, or similar facilities, or the keeping of dangerous exotic animals or dangerous native animals.
§ 50-739. Riding stables and academies.
§ 50-740. Sale of produce on premises.
§ 50-741. Sale of unfinished products outside structures.
§ 50-742. Schools.
§ 50-743. Automobile service or repair and service or repair stations.
§ 50-744. Shopping centers.
§ 50-745. Single-family residence.
§ 50-746. Travel trailer parks.
§ 50-747. Automobile sales and service.
§ 50-748. Veterinary clinics.
§ 50-749. Wholesale sales.
§ 50-750. Woodshop in enclosed structure.
§ 50-751. Sanitary or refuse landfills.
§ 50-752. Support and operation facilities related to the extraction of water for bulk or retail sales.
§ 50-753. Primitive camping.
§ 50-754. Camps.
§ 50-755. Minimum criteria for accessory uses.
§ 50-756. Reserved.
§ 50-757. Mechanical automobile washing establishment.
§ 50-758. Multifamily developments (small scale).
§ 50-759. Reserved.
§ 50-760. Group homes and foster care facilities.
§ 50-761. Home occupations.
§ 50-762. Outdoor storage areas.
§ 50-763. Temporary uses.
§ 50-764. Guest houses.
§ 50-765. Essential public utility services.
§ 50-766. Medical marijuana treatment center dispensing facilities.
§§ 50-767—50-770. Reserved.