§ 86-36. Application for exemption.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    Application . Any eligible person, firm, partnership or corporation which desires an economic development ad valorem tax exemption shall file with the board a written application prescribed by the department. This application form may be adopted by resolution by the board. The application must be filed no later than March 1 of the year the exemption is desired to take effect.


    Review . Upon submittal of the application, the county coordinator or his/her designee shall review the application and, within ten days of submission, notify the applicant of any facial deficiencies. Complete applications shall be scheduled for a public hearing before the board no later than 45 days following receipt of a complete application. The 45-day period shall include the property appraiser's review pursuant to section 86-37(a) and any additional review by county staff or consultants to the county. Applicant will be notified of the date and time of the public hearing.


    Agreement . A business will be required to enter into an agreement with the county stating that the business will satisfy all requirements set forth in the agreement. An agreement shall require, at a minimum, that the applicant annually report the actual number of new full-time jobs created and their actual average wage. The agreement may include other requirements, including but not limited to revocation provisions if the applicant fails to meet expectations or representations.

(Ord. No. 2015-01 , § 3, 4-7-2015)