An application for a special exception shall be approved only if it meets all of the
requirements, criteria and standards contained in subdivision I and subdivision II
of this division 5 as well as any other requirements for the requested use contained in subdivision
II of division 3 or elsewhere in this chapter. Any requirements, criteria, standards,
or conditions are not exclusive of any other requirements, criteria, standards, or
conditions which may be established by the board of county commissioners due to particular
circumstances which are unique to the property or to the application for which the
special exception is being requested. Because a special exception is not normally
permitted in a particular zoning district, the burden is upon the applicant to document
that special exception meets all of the applicable requirements, criteria and standards
and that the granting of the special exception will not create a hardship upon adjacent
properties as they are currently being used or as they may be used in the future in
accordance with the uses allowed in their respective land use map designations and
zoning districts.