§ 50-796. Generally.  

Latest version.
  • Special exceptions, as enumerated in Schedule 1. Use Regulations, of section 50-676 hereof, or as contained in the Levy County Comprehensive Plan shall be permitted only upon authorization by the board of county commissioners subsequent to review by the planning commission. In granting any special exception, the board of county commissioners may require appropriate conditions and safeguards, made a part of the terms on which the special exception is granted, which if not complied with shall be deemed a violation of this article. The board of county commissioners may grant an application for special exception, provided that such application for special exception and the uses proposed therein shall be found by the board of county commissioners to comply with the following requirements or criteria and any other applicable requirements, criteria or standards set forth in this article.


    That the use is a special exception as set forth in Schedule 1. Use Regulations, of section 50-676 hereof or as set forth in the Levy County Comprehensive Plan.


    That the use is so designated, located and proposed to be operated that the public health, safety, welfare and convenience will be protected.


    That the use will not cause substantial injury to the value of other property in the neighborhood where it is to be located.


    That the property that is the subject of the special exception is suitable for the type of use proposed by virtue of its location, shape, topography, and by virtue of its compatibility with adjacent development, with uses allowed in adjacent land use and zoning districts, and with the character of the zoning district where it is located.


    That adequate buffering, landscaping and screening are provided as required in this article, or as necessary to provide a visual and sound barrier between adjacent property and the property that is the subject of the special exception.


    That adequate off-street parking and loading are provided and ingress and egress are so designed as to cause minimum interference with or congestions of vehicular or pedestrian traffic on abutting streets or of boat or vessel traffic on adjacent waterways.


    That the use conforms with all applicable regulations governing the district where located, as may otherwise be determined for large-scale developments.


    That the use is consistent with the provisions of the Levy County Comprehensive Plan and the Land Development Code, and that the application and use comply with the applicable provisions of subdivision II of this division 5 and with any specific requirements for the use contained in subdivision II of division 3 hereof.

(1991 LDR ch. 79, § 6.01(A); Ord. No. 05-01, § 6, 5-17-2005; Ord. No. 2007-03, § 24, 7-17-2007)