§ 50-724. Halfway homes and rehabilitation centers.  

Latest version.
  • The following provisions apply to halfway homes and rehabilitation centers:


    A site plan shall be submitted as provided in section 50-775.


    The minimum lot size shall be ten acres.


    All structures shall be located a minimum of 1,200 feet from any residential zoning district.


    The lot on which the halfway home or rehabilitation center is located may not abut any residential zoning district.


    There shall be a minimum of one staff person per six clients, on-premises at all times.


    The applicant shall submit documentation that the state department of health and/or any other state agency having jurisdiction has licensed or otherwise approved the proposed facility.

(1991 LDR ch. 79, § 6.01(G)(15); Ord. No. 05-01, § 10, 5-17-2005; Ord. No. 2007-03, § 22, 7-17-2007; Ord. No. 2007-07, § 9, 11-20-2007)