§ 50-187. Estuaries.  

Latest version.
  • The following provisions apply to estuaries:


    Stormwater retention. Stormwater retention will be required for all development contiguous to the Suwannee River, Waccasassa River, Withlacoochee River or any tributaries thereto. Prior to receiving any county permits, applicants for new construction shall submit a site plan to the development department, in triplicate, for review by the state department of environmental protection and the appropriate water management district.


    Natural vegetation buffer. A natural vegetation buffer shall be retained along all streams and rivers with yearround flow.


    Within a streamside management zone (SMZ), which extends perpendicular to the shoreline a distance of 66 feet, forest managers shall utilize a single-tree or group selection method of harvesting and regenerating forests. Within the streamside management zone, there will be no mechanized site preparation and limited use of herbicides or pesticides. Road construction shall be limited to bridges or culverts at crossings. Any activity within the streamside management zone will be conditional upon prior review and approval by the county forester, or, if that position is vacant, by a representative of the state department of agriculture and consumer services, division of forestry.


    The removal of vegetation other than merchantable timber shall be governed by section 50-190 regarding river protection.


    Undisturbed area. Any public or private development contiguous to the shoreline (coastline) of the Gulf of Mexico, including single-family residential construction, shall retain a minimum of 25 feet of undisturbed upland vegetation between the high tide line and any impervious surface, which such undisturbed area may be crossed by an elevated boardwalk having a maximum width of four feet.

(1991 LDR ch. 53, art. 1)