III. - Definitions.  

Latest version.
  • Connection means a driveway, street, turnout, or other means of providing access to or from U.S. 19 and other controlled access facilities on the state highway system. Two oneway connections to a property may constitute a single connection.

    Corner clearance means the distance from an intersection of a public or private road to the nearest connection along a controlled access facility. This distance is measured from the closest edge of pavement of the intersecting road to the closest edge of pavement of the connection measured along the traveled way (through lanes).

    Local access road means a public or private street or road, auxiliary to a controlled access facility, which has as its purpose the maintenance of local road continuity and/or provision of access to parcels adjacent to the controlled access facility.

    Minimum connection spacing means the minimum allowable distance between nonconforming connections, measured from the closest edge of pavement of the first connection to the closest edge of pavement of the second connection along the edge of the traveled way.

    Nonconforming connection permit means a permit providing temporary access to a property with specified conditions for bringing the connection into conformance with this policy.

    Permitting authority means the Florida Department of Transportation or local government agency authorized to regulate access to the state highway system.

    Reasonable access means the minimum number of connections, direct or indirect, necessary to provide safe ingress and egress to U.S. 19 based on the access management classification, projected connection and roadway traffic volumes, and the type and intensity of the land use.

    Significant change means a change in the use of the property, including land, structures or facilities, or an expansion of the size of the structures or facilities causing an increase in the trip generation of the property, based on the latest edition of "Trip Generation" by the Institute of Transportation Engineers, exceeding 25 percent more trip generation (either peak hour or daily) and exceeding 100 vehicles per day more than the existing use.